The Perfect Portfolio Investing Blog

Since 2021, Stephen Foerster has written over 50 blogs on his site. Topics include investing concepts, investing philosophy, economics, stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, and general interest. members have free access to all Stephen Foerster articles. Free access to the Perfect Portfolio Investing Blog index is provided below, along with free access to a sample of articles.

Perfect Portfolio Investing Blog Sample

The Perfect Portfolio Investing Blog

This blog shares some of our insights, and connects history with current events. It’s aimed at novice and experienced investors alike. It’s not a blog with investment advice, but rather it explains what you need to know about investing, with the intent of educating and entertaining you. It’s meant to get you to think before you act. Below are brief descriptions and links to my stories, by theme. I hope you enjoy the investing journey with me!

The Secret Language of Finance

This article introduces the language of finance and describes the commonly used abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms.

Don’t Be an Active Investor Unless you Have an Investment Thesis

This article describes a 7-step process for creating an investment thesis, a must for active investors.